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How Andy Reid relies on his faith and marriage in times of adversity



What Andy Reid said about his faith on the ‘All In’ podcast

Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid “banks on his faith” often in both his personal and professional life, he acknowledged during a podcast appearance this week. On Wednesday’s “All In” podcast, Reid said he uses his faith as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a game plan to get through life.

“What a great example Jesus Christ was for us and really still is. Here we have a living prophet (President Russell M. Nelson) that’s able to share these messages with us of guidance and encouragement,” he said. Here’s what else he had to say about his faith, his wife, an altercation with Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce and Kelce’s relationship with Taylor Swift.

What Andy Reid said about his wife, Tammy Reid

Reid, a three-time Super Bowl-winning head coach, joked that his wife, Tammy Reid, is “the head coach of the head coach.” He praised his wife’s example to the team and to everyone she meets.

“She’s kinda everybody’s mother, and that little queen’s another aspect to it. She’s a great example to the coaches’ wives, to the players’ wives, to the players. She travels with our team on away games, and so they get that flavor. And they get to see that I have a good relationship with my spouse and I trust her,” he said on “All In.” “She’s very bubbly. She’s everybody’s best friend. She gets out and makes people feel comfortable that way. And part of it, she unites and that’s a big thing.”

Reid, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said he recognizes that adversity and hardships are a natural part of life, even for leaders. “When you read the Book of Mormon or the scriptures, period, people have had ups and downs, and people in leadership positions have had ups and downs,” he said. “That’s part of life. I think we all have issues.

Somewhere along the line, you’re gonna have issues. Some are greater than others, but you’re gonna have these hurdles that you’ve got to come over. So we bank on our faith to get us through that.” The Reids strive to lead their children and grandchildren by example, which to Reid means “following Christ’s teachings.” He said his and his wife’s practice of communicating in “a Christ-like manner” helps the family through times of adversity.

“What a great example (Christ) was for us, all the trials and tribulations that he went through, (and) Joseph Smith, the trials and tribulations that he went through. These are great examples for us,” he said. “Then we just hang onto that iron rod because that son of a gun can be difficult at times but you hang on and you work your way through these things and bank on your faith and then bank on your relationship with your spouse.”

How Andy Reid observes the Sabbath on game days

With most NFL games occurring on Sundays, Reid spends his Sundays quite differently than most members of his faith, who attend two-hour church meetings that include the passing of the sacrament. “My hat goes off to our bishops. We’ve always had phenomenal bishops since I’ve been in this crazy NFL thing that have been willing to work with us,” he said. “If we have an afternoon game or if we have a night game, we try to — if we can — run up to church.

If not, we try to do a sacrament meeting amongst ourselves with the permission of our bishop. That’s worked out well for us, so we’re never missing sacrament. One way or another, we’re getting to a sacrament meeting. It might be with three people or four people but we’re gonna make the thing work.”

What did Andy Reid say about his Super Bowl incident with Travis Kelce?

Reid was asked about his Super Bowl altercation with Kelce. He first defended his tight end, saying “emotions are high” and that Kelce wanted to be on the field for every offensive snap in such a big game. He said Kelce apologized and hugged him shortly after.

“I don’t hold that against him. I love, I love his energy, what he brings to the table. It wasn’t a position where you retaliate because I kinda had the knowledge of what he is and where he was going with it, it wasn’t malicious,” he said. “All In” host Morgan Pearson asked Reid if his faith contributed to his response to that intense situation.

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