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What’s With Taylor Swift Coming for Kim Kardashian, and Should You Care?



One thing you need to know about Ms. Taylor Alison Swift is that she, and she alone, decides when it’s time to get over her hurt feelings. And she’s not over what went down between Kim Kardashian and her.

Taylor Swift is my favorite sports team. With that in mind, we could be here all day while I explain to you the full context of why Swift just released a diss track against Kardashian, a.k.a. “In this essay I will…” Except that would invariably annoy you because we would get deep in the weeds. So let’s keep it top-level, but something you need to understand about Swift, which is a huge reason why I love her music, is that she is extremely protective of and tender with her feelings via her songs.

I bring this up because, for some people, after you understand what is going on, your first reaction might be, “She needs to get over it, good grief.” Let me tell you why she doesn’t, preemptively: Women are told, to an alarming degree, to dust themselves off, laugh it off, and move on when their feelings are hurt. It’s incredibly dehumanizing. You know who will stay in the mud of her hurt until she’s ready to get up and walk in the sunshine again? Taylor Swift.

Musically, she nurses every grudge, wounded feeling, and perceived slight until she decides she’s done. Frankly, I love it because, in my own life, I’m not allowed to do it. It’s a bit of fantasy, and one I appreciate.

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